Educator Recruitment Fair (6/12/13), Springfield Public Schoools, Springfield MA

Come to the Springfield Public Schools (SPS) Recruitment Fair for Middle School Teachers and Educators on Wednesday, June 12, 2013 at 4:00 pm at the Chestnut Accelerated?Middle School. Thank you for your interest in the Springfield Public Schools! The Springfield Public School district is committed to hiring a diverse pool of qualified educators, administrators, and …

(1 year LOA) Library Media Specialist, Winchester Public Schools, Winchester MA

This?position is for a leave of absence for the 2013-2014 school year ? All applicants are required to submit the information listed below by the deadline indicated. If considered for a position you will be contacted by the building principal for an interview. Once recommeded for a position the candidate will hear directly from the …

Library Media Specialist, Winchester Public Schools, Winchester MA

All applicants are required to submit the information listed below by the deadline indicated. If considered for a position you will be contacted by the building principal for an interview. Once recommeded for a position the candidate will hear directly from the Superintendent’s Administrative Assistant to arrange for an interview date and time. If you …

Circulation/Academic Reserves Assistant, Phillips Academy, Andover MA

The Oliver Wendell Holmes Library at Phillips Academy is seeking candidates for the position of Circulation Assistant. Under the supervision of the Access Services Manager, the Circulation Assistant will staff the circulation desk, greet patrons, check library materials in and out, answer the telephone and direct calls accordingly and work with faculty for placement of …

Instructional Librarian, Phillips Academy, Andover MA

The Oliver Wendell Holmes Library at Phillips Academy seeks an energetic, creative and self-directed individual to provide excellent inquiry support services to highly motivated high school students. The ideal candidate will have a Master’s degree in library and/or information science from an ALA-accredited institution by the time of appointment, effective oral, written, and interpersonal communication …

Education/Technology Library Specialist, Middle School, Londonberry NH

Job Description Purpose:Create a positive learning environment to facilitate the personal, social and intellectual development of students. Qualifications:1.Valid certificate as Education Technology Integrator or Library Media Specialist2.Master’s degree in Educational Technology, Library and Information Science, or equivalent3.Such alternatives to the above qualifications as the Board may find appropriate. Essential Functions:As part of the Library Media …

School Librarian, West Intermediate School, Wilmington MA

The West Intermediate School in Wilmington, MA is seeking a certified part time school librarian. This position is for an engaging, energetic school librarian to teach grades 4 and 5 part time (.3). This position requires the school librarian to: teach seven classes a weekhelp with technology integrationmaintain the collectionrun a book fairtroubleshoot technology issuescollaborate …

School Librarian, Shawsheen Elementary School, Wilmington MA

?The Shawsheen Elementary School in Wilmington, MA is seeking a full time certified school librarian with 1-3 years of experience. *We are looking for a highly qualified individual to:*teach library skills to grades one, two, and three on a fixed schedule*engage students to be lifelong readers, critical thinkers, and skillful researchers*collaborate with teachers to support …

High School Librarian, Lawrence High School, Fairfield ME

Lawrence High School; Fairfield, Maine (MSAD#49) seeks a high school library media specialist, pending Board budget approval, June 11, 2013. This person should hold an MLS or MLIS and State of Maine School Library Media certification. The position entails collection development, assisting staff and students in location of materials, teaching information literacy to students, managing …

Librarian, Mt Mansfield Union High School, Jericho VT

Mt Mansfield Union High School in Jericho, VT is seeking a certified librarian to fill a temporary leave from September 2013-January 2014. Responsibilities include management of all library services, scheduling and working side by side with the current staff, collaborating with faculty, teaching research skills to classes and maintaining a supportive and comfortable learning environment …