Volunteer Archives Internship, Belmont Day School, Belmont MA

Belmont Day School (BDS) is a co-educational, independent elementary and middle school (Pre-K through 8) located in Belmont, MA. BDS was established in 1927 and has a fairly substantial archival collection that is currently managed through the Alumni Relations Office. We are in need of an intern with archive knowledge and expertise to organize our …

Digital Projects Intern, Henry Whittemore Library, Framingham MA

Digital Projects Intern Henry Whittemore Library is seeking a detail oriented intern to work on digital collections. Under the supervision of the Reference and Electronic Resources Librarian, the student will gain experience in developing digital collections in BePress’s Digital Commons Institutional Repository. The intern will be trained in the use of Digital Commons digital collection …

Reference and Instructional Services Intern, Henry Whittemore Library, Framingham MA

Henry Whittemore Library is seeking a reference and instructional services assistant. The intern would work part-time during daytime hours during the fall and spring semesters. The intern will gain experience working in a reference department. ? Duties Assist a reference librarian at the reference desk by providing research assistance, updating online research guides, answering reference …

Program Intern, Pueblo a Pueblo, Cant?n Tzanjuyu Guatemala

Pueblo a Pueblo Child Health and Education Program Intern ? Description of Organization Pueblo a Pueblo is a small nonprofit organization dedicated to assisting families in coffee growing communities in Guatemala. We are looking for a Guatemala Program Intern to support the Child Health and Education Program in our Santiago Atitlan office. This is an …

Pathways, Student Trainee (Librarian) Internship, John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center, Cambridge MA

This position was recently held by a GSLIS grad, Arthur Liu!?Feel free to?direct any questions to [email protected]. ? JOB SUMMARY: An innovative, fee-for service organization, the Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (Volpe Center), part of the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (U.S. DOT’s) Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA), in Cambridge, Massachusetts, is an internationally recognized …

Historical Museum Archives Intern, Kingston NH

The Town of Kingston, NH is offering an unpaid internship for a current student or recent graduate of an archival studies program. This is an excellent opportunity to gain practical experience arranging and describing collections while under the supervision of a trained professional.? Directions to Kingston, NH (one hour north of Boston): Take Route 93N …

Seeking Spanish-speaking GSLIS student, Parker Hill Branch, Boston Public Library, Boston MA

We’re?planning a bilingual toddler story-time this fall, and?are looking for a Spanish-speaking partner. ? Our?expectations for this volunteer would be: ???????? Commit to a weekly story time, lasting 30-45 minutes on a weekday morning (TBD) at 10:30am – for a 6-week session (possibility to extend further) ???????? During the story time, read one book in …

Digital Projects Intern, Lamson Library, Plymouth State University, Plymouth NH

Digital Projects Intern – Lamson Library, Plymouth State University ? Lamson Library is seeking a detail-oriented intern to work on a historical digital collection of photographs.? Through improvement and expansion of existing metadata and migration of the collection to CONTENTdm, we will be increasing accessibility to a set of unique historical images.? Under the supervision …

Call for applications, ARL/Society of American Archivists Mosaic Program

ARL and the Society of American Archivists (SAA) are now accepting applications for the first cohort of the ARL/SAA Mosaic Program. This program promotes much-needed diversification of the archives and special collections professional workforce by providing financial support, practical work experience, mentoring, career placement assistance, and leadership development to emerging professionals from underrepresented racial and …