Call for Applications, Mosaic Program, Association of Research Libraries/Society of American Archivists

The Association of Research Libraries/Society of American Archivists’ Mosaic Program?promotes much-needed diversification of the archives and special collections professional workforce by providing tuition assistance, practical work experience, mentoring, career placement guidance, and leadership development to emerging professionals from underrepresented racial and ethnic minority groups. An important objective of the program is to attract and retain …

President’s Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition (PCFSN) Internship

Job Title: ??????????? President’s Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition (PCFSN) Internship ? Term:??????????????????? Fall, Spring or Summer ? Length: ??????????????? 12 weeks (flexible start/end dates) ? Hours: ???????????????? 20-40 hours/week ? About PCFSN: The Council’s mission is to engage, educate, and empower all Americans to adopt a healthy lifestyle that includes regular physical activity …

First Time Attendees Program, New England Chapter of the Music Library Association

Funding is available for the First Time Attendees Program for the Fall and Spring New England – MLA chapter meetings. This grant provides funding for lunch and travel expenses for the first time attendee. Conference fees are also waived for first time attendees. Both non-members and new current members attending for the first time will …

Prospect Research Intern (Unpaid), Joslin Diabetes Center, Boston MA

Joslin Diabetes Center, a teaching and research affiliate of Harvard Medical School, is a one-of-a-kind institution on the front lines of the world epidemic of diabetes – leading the battle to conquer diabetes in all of its forms through cutting-edge research and innovative approaches to clinical care and education. ? The role of the Development …

Teen Services Internship, Darien Library, Darien CT

Teen Services Internship: ? The innovative Darien Library (CT) – one of the busiest and most highly ranked public libraries of its size in the country – seeks a creative, self-motivated library school student to become a member of the Teen Services team for a six-month internship. The start date is flexible. ? This Internship …

Fall internship, Darien Library, Darien CT

Darien Library – one of the busiest and highest-ranked public libraries of its size in the country – seeks a service-focused, curious and enthusiastic student to become a member of the Readers’ Advisory department for the fall semester. The successful candidate will be a strong reader who is comfortable with social media and mobile technology. …

Call for Applications, NEA’s Roundtable for Early Professionals and Students (REPS)

Over the past several weeks, the REPS co-chairs have been working with several seasoned NEA members to pilot a Mentoring Circles Program this fall. Today we’re issuing the official call for applications to participate, so read on to learn more! ? ? What is a Mentoring Circle? ? A mentoring circle is a group of …

Library Intern, America’s Test Kitchen, Brookline MA

America’s Test Kitchen Library Intern Position Brookline, MA This 4-5 hour/week position is a wonderful opportunity to gain experience in all facets of small special library management. This is an unpaid (but rewarding) opportunity to work as a librarian in a special library. You will gain hands-on experience with the organization and management of a …

Chapter Logo Contest, New England Chapter of the Music Library Association

The New England Chapter of the Music Library Association is holding a contest to find a new logo. The winner will receive a $100 Visa gift card and the winning logo will be used by the New England Chapter of the Music Library Association.?NEMLA LOGO CONTEST SUBMISSION GUIDELINES AND RULES?Eligibility: Anyone in the United States …

Virtual Internship, Pictoscope LLC

LIBRARY INFO SCIENCE ONLINE INTERNSHIP: FALL 2013/Spring 2014 Pictoscope LLC is currently seeking MLS & MLIS students for Fall 2013 and Spring 2014 virtual internship opportunities. Graduate student interns will work remotely with Pictoscope project coordinators to assist in the initial development of Pictoscope’s online database research products. The Pictoscope internship presents students with a …