2013 Frank H. Spaulding Student Scholarship

Special Libraries Association – New Jersey Chapter 2013 Frank H. Spaulding Student Scholarship The scholarship is named in honor of Frank H. Spaulding, president of NJSLA from 1977 to 1978 and SLA President from 1986-1987 year.? He was known nationally for his outstanding dedication and contributions to the library profession. ELIGIBILITY: The scholarship is open …

Spring 2014 Internship Program, Museum of Modern Art, New York NY

Spring 2014 Internship Program at MoMA The Museum of Modern Art?is currently accepting applications for the Spring 2014 Internship Program.?????? Description: The Spring 2014 Internship Program provides participants in-depth exposure to the workings of individual departments and practical and theoretical training in museum practices, and acquaints them with the role of museums in contemporary society. …

Spring 2014 Internships, Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art (MASS MoCA), North Adams MA

The Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art (MASS MoCA) has several internships available for our upcoming 2014 winter/spring season. MASS MoCA offers 11 internships that we have available for the upcoming season. Below you will find links to the full descriptions and application for the upcoming season. Dates of internships – Monday, Jan 6th – Monday, …

Fall 2013 Internship, Bay Path College Archives, Longmeadow MA

FALL 2013 INTERNSHIP OPPORTUNITIES FOR SIMMONS COLLEGE GSLIS STUDENTS WHAT? The Bay Path College Archives project is moving forward! If you have an interest in academic library archives, the Hatch Library staff at Bay Path College invites you to consider interning with us this semester. We would currently welcome one or more Simmons interns who …

Volunteer, South Church Archive, New Britain CT

Volunteer Opportunity to Organize a Small Institutional Archive South Church, New Britain, Connecticut Hours: Flexible, 1 day (6-7 hours)/week South Church is seeking a graduate student in library science with an archives concentration to organize our church archives. The archive houses a variety of institutional publications, historical documents, birth and death certificates, and architectural drawings …

Cataloging and Metadata Intern, Archives of American Gardens, Smithsonian, Washington DC

The Archives of American Gardens’ intern will assist primarily with cataloging series and item level descriptions in the Horizon database system and apply embedded metadata to corresponding digital assets. The intern will also assist with the digitization of archival materials (35mm slides, negatives and photographic prints), write interpretive materials utilizing the collections, assist with social …

Simmons College Student Research Fund ?

The Student Research Fund supports student initiated scholarly research and creative endeavors. Undergraduate and graduate students are eligible to apply for up to $1,000 to support independent research projects. ? Application Deadline: Monday, November 4, 2013. Questions: contact Jon Kimball (x2411) or Valerie Beaudrault (x2415) or visit the Sponsored Programs webpage at: ? http://www.simmons.edu/offices/sponsored-programs/student-funds.php