2014 Lennox Foundation Preservation Internship, Iowa State University

Iowa State University is accepting applications for the 2014 Lennox Foundation Preservation and Conservation Internship.? This twelve week internship is intended to give current graduate students and recent graduates of preservation and/or conservation programs the opportunity to apply their skills and knowledge of care and treatment of library and archives materials in an academic library.? …

Intern, Database Project, Documentary Educational Resources (DER), Watertown MA

DER is seeking interns to help develop a comprehensive database of our film and video collection, including film metadata, cataloging information and ancillary holdings (such as transcripts and study guides) for the DER collection, which includes over 800 titles of significant ethnographic, anthropological and social documentary films. ?We envision both short and long-term goals for …

NASIG (North American Serials Interest Group) 2014 – Call for Proposals

The 2014 NASIG Program Planning Committee invites proposals?for conference sessions. Publishers, vendors, librarians,?and others in the fields of electronic resources, serials,?and scholarly communication are encouraged to submit?proposals relating to scholarly communication, publishing,?resource acquisition, management, and discovery. Proposals?based on emerging trends, case studies, and descriptive and?experimental findings are encouraged. In particular, the Program Planning Committee welcomes?programs …

Call for Submissions, Canadian Health Libraries Association 2014 Conference / Conf?rence 2014 de l’ABSC

Call for Contributed Papers, Posters, and Lightning StrikesCHLA/ABSC 2014 Annual Conference — Scaling New Heights TogetherHyatt Regency Montr?al, Montr?al, QC.? June? 16 – 20, 2014 Veuillez prendre note que la version fran?aise fait suite au texte anglais.We invite submissions for the 38th annual Conference of the Canadian Health Libraries Association/Association des biblioth?ques de la sant? …

Child Education Internship, Pueblo a Pueblo, Santiago Atitl?n, Solol?, Guatemala

Description of Organization Pueblo a Pueblo is a small nonprofit organization dedicated to assisting families in coffee growing communities in Guatemala. We are looking for a Guatemala Program Intern to support the Child Health and Education Program in our Santiago Atitlan office. This is an excellent opportunity to gain valuable international work experience. The program …

Alaska Library Association Scholarship for Graduate Library Studies

AkLA has established a scholarship program to support the education of librarians for Alaska’s libraries.? The stated purpose is to provide financial assistance to worthy students pursuing a Graduate Degree in?Library Science and to encourage graduates to return to Alaska to work in professional library positions.? Preference will be given to an individual meeting the …

New England Archivists call for news items and photos

Attention archivists, students, and repositories in the New England area: The NEA newsletter is currently seeking articles about your activities and accomplishments for the?January 2014?issue of the NEA newsletter. The newsletter relies entirely on entries from members, so please share your news with the archives community; we love to know what everyone is up to! …

New England Archivists Roundtable for Early Professionals and Students

REPS was founded in late 2012 to represent the interests and needs of NEA members just beginning in the archival profession. If you’re?an Archives Management?student at Simmons?(or a student with an interest in archives) and you’re also a current NEA member, we’d love to have you join our community. REPS has a growing membership of …

Communications & Marketing Careers Information Exchange at Simmons College

EVENT: Communications & Marketing Careers Information Exchange DATE: November 16, 2013 (Wednesday) TIME: 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm LOCATION: Linda K. Paresky Conference Center, MCB 3rd FloorDRESS: Business casual (or business professional) – no jeans or sneakers please! Nearly two dozen leading employers in the fields of communications and marketing have registered to attend this …

Archive Intern, Beyond Conflict, Cambridge MA

?Beyond Conflict (formerly the? Project on Justice in Times of Transition)? is looking for?? a?? student?? who?? is?? interested?? in?? gaining?? hands-on? archive? experience?? working? for? an internationally?????? focused???? non-profit????? organization????? in?? the?? conflict??? resolution???? field? by professionally archiving 20 years of historically relevant documents. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????? **** ???????? Beyond Conflict is an internationally focused NGO …