Library Archivist/Assistant Professor, University of Tennessee Health Sciences Library, Memphis TN

Library Archivist/Assistant ProfessorUniversity of Tennessee Health Sciences Library Responsible for developing, managing, preserving and enhancing access to the UT Health Sciences Historical Collections and archives; appraises, arranges, and catalogs archival materials; daily development, operation and maintenance of the archives, online database records, and related archives activities; provides reference and outreach services. Graduate degree from a …

Library Information Integrator, Memorial Middle School, S. Portland ME

The South Portland School Department is hiring a certified library media ?specialist for the position of “Library Information Integrator” at Memorial?Middle School. We are seeking an individual to teach information literacy, in?collaboration with staff, via projects tied to the 6-8 curriculum.?The L.I.I. will provide oversight for the Memorial Middle School library,?implement traditional literacy programs, and …

Head of Research and Instruction Services, College of the Holy Cross, Worcester MA

The Head of Research and Instruction Services is a member of the Libraries’ executive management team and plays a shared leadership role in the library-wide policy making and in the overall development and assessment of library services. The primary responsibility of the Head of Research and Instruction Services will be to provide leadership and direction …

Global Services Librarian, New York University Libraries, New York NY

New York University Libraries seeks a creative and service-oriented Global Services Librarian (GSL) to coordinate the development, expansion and delivery of library services that support research, teaching and learning at the NYU Global Academic Centers.? Reporting to the Director of Public Services, this new position works collaboratively with colleagues across NYU Libraries and select NYU …

Reference Specialist, Dartmouth College, Hanover NH

Rauner Special Collections Library at Dartmouth College seeks an outgoing, service-focused, and efficient Reference Specialist who will provide both on-site and off-site reference service, monitor the Reading Room, and assist users with the handling of special collections materials. In addition to these primary areas of responsibility, the Reference Specialist will oversee aspects of Rauner’s copy …

Research Support and Instruction Librarian, Connecticut College, New London CT

Research Support and Instruction Librarian Category:?Salary Department:?Library CONNECTICUT COLLEGE, a highly selective private liberal arts college, located in the historic seaport of New London, seeks an experienced librarian to provide instructional and research resources and develop and initiate activities to integrate information literacy into the curriculum at the College.? This position will also provide reference …

Moodle Transition Project Assistant, Simmons College, Boston MA

Posting Date: 6/10/2013Duration: To start?immediately. Position continues through?October 31, 2013. Salary:?$15-$20/hr?(based on experience).Hours:?25 hours a week?(flexible.) Simmons Technology seeks a detail-oriented, web-literate project assistant to support the migration of courses from eLearning (Blackboard) to Simmons Moodle.This position will report to the LMS Project Manager, and will have the following responsibilities in assisting Technology, Simmons Online, …