Technical Services Librarian, Lane Memorial Library, Hampton NH

Busy coastal New Hampshire public library is looking for a full-time cataloger and IT assistant. ? Duties: Under the supervision of the Head of Technical Services the cataloger is responsible for a wide variety of IT duties and daily cataloging of all new library acquisitions using Library.Solution cataloging software. Most work is copy cataloging of …

Undergraduate Research & Instruction Librarian, Millersville University, Millersville PA

Position:? ??Undergraduate Research and Instruction Librarian ??????????? ????? Instructor or Assistant Professor ??????????? ????? Full-time, tenure track, academic year ??????????? ????? Beginning August 2014 ? Description: Millersville University of Pennsylvania (Millersville, PA) seeks an enthusiastic, innovative, and collaborative team member to support undergraduate student research, success, and retention at Millersville through collaboration with campus partners, …

NASIG (North American Serials Interest Group) 2014 – Call for Proposals

The 2014 NASIG Program Planning Committee invites proposals?for conference sessions. Publishers, vendors, librarians,?and others in the fields of electronic resources, serials,?and scholarly communication are encouraged to submit?proposals relating to scholarly communication, publishing,?resource acquisition, management, and discovery. Proposals?based on emerging trends, case studies, and descriptive and?experimental findings are encouraged. In particular, the Program Planning Committee welcomes?programs …

Assistant, GSLIS Archives Management Program, Simmons College, Boston MA

Assistant to the GSLIS Archives Management Program Dates:?????????????Begins?December 15, 2013 Hours:? ? ? ? ? ??10 hours per week; hours may increase slightly at beginning and end of each semester Pay rate:???????? $12/hour ? General Description: This position will support the full-time Archives Management faculty on program areas within the Archives Management and Dual Degree …

Chair, Marston Science Library, University of Florida, Gainesville FL

The George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida, seeks applications and nominations for the position of Chair of the Marston Science Library. The successful candidate will be a forward thinking leader who is knowledgeable and enthusiastic about the changing nature of librarianship in the sciences. Reporting to the Senior Associate Dean, the Chair is a …

Research Services Student Assistant, Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Cambridge MA

Hours needed: 17 hours a week during the Schlesinger Library’s ?hours, Monday – Friday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm. ? Start date: Monday, January 6, 2014 ? About the Schlesinger Library:? The Schlesinger Library draws thousands of researchers each year to study the history of women in America.? The collection consists of manuscript collections of …

Library Assistant, Stevens Memorial Library, North Andover MA

The Stevens Memorial Library in North Andover is accepting?applications for a part-time Library Assistant. The Library?is located at 345 Main St., North Andover, MA and is a?member of the Merrimack Valley Library Consortium (MVLC). The position is 19.0 hours per week and requires working at?least one evening per week (Monday through Thursday) and a?regularly scheduled …

Instructional Services Librarian, Babson College, Wellesley MA

Babson College seeks an enthusiastic, innovative, and?collaborative team member for the position of Instructional?Services Librarian. Reporting to the Lead Instructional?Services Librarian, this position supports and advances?library instructional programs through the application of?information literacy standards, instructional design?principles, pedagogical knowledge, educational technologies?and ongoing assessment efforts. This position plays an?active role in leading the integration of library?instruction into …

Reference & Information Services Librarian, Westfield Athenaeum, Westfield MA

The Westfield Athenaeum seeks a full-time, dynamic,?enthusiastic, and service oriented Reference and Information?Services Librarian to help provide reference and technology?related service, guidance, direction and referral for our?busy library. In a city of approximately 42,000, the?Westfield Athenaeum is a unique institution with three?entities helping us fulfill our mission: our active library,?our noted Historical Museum, and our …

Young Adult / Asst. Reference Librarian, Medford Public Library, Medford MA

Young Adult / Asst. Reference: Needed immediately, an upbeat, enthusiastic person?to initiate programming and interest in a YA Dept with a strong collection. This person?should have a Masters in Library Science, and a background in YA services. This?candidate will be responsible for collection development, programming, and some work?on the Information Desk. This person will also …