Reference & Information Services Librarian, Westfield Athenaeum, Westfield MA

The Westfield Athenaeum seeks a full-time, dynamic,?enthusiastic, and service oriented Reference and Information?Services Librarian to help provide reference and technology?related service, guidance, direction and referral for our?busy library. In a city of approximately 42,000, the?Westfield Athenaeum is a unique institution with three?entities helping us fulfill our mission: our active library,?our noted Historical Museum, and our Art Museum combine to?fulfill the informational, recreational, educational and?cultural needs of the Greater Westfield area. Join our?dedicated staff in providing the full scope of Reference?services using current technology and recognizing the
diversity of our services.

The successful candidate will work independently and as part?of the Reference and Information Services team; assist with?all aspects of non-fiction and Reference collection?development; provide support for interlibrary loan services;?assist in creating work schedules for Reference and?Information Services Staff; provide support for marketing?tasks; assist in developing and implementing reference and?information policies and procedure; participate in special?projects, provide technology assistance to patrons; and?other similar duties necessary to the effective delivery of?reference and information services at the Athenaeum.

MLS from an ALA accredited program is required, with an?emphasis on technology abilities. Excellent customer?service and communication skills; demonstrated knowledge of?library policies and procedures; knowledge of print and?non-print reference resources as well as strong research?skills; experience servicing diverse communities with?diverse needs; knowledge of historical collections;?familiarity with Evergreen a plus.

Excellent benefits; 37 hours per week; one evening and?possible Saturday rotation.

Salary: $40,000

Closing Date: November 15, 2013

Send: Please email letter of application, resume and the?names of 3 professional references to: Candy
Pennington, Executive Assistant:?[email protected]. Deadline November 15,?2013. For complete job description, please visit?our website:
