The Cranston Public Library seeks a friendly, tech-savvy individual for a paraprofessional position in youth services. Must be able to run Saturday morning family programs (movies, drop-in crafts, etc.), and offer reference and readers advisory to children and teens on weekday evenings.
A qualified applicant would be trained on the children’s desk by professional staff before being assigned to cover the teen desk independently in the evenings. This position requires excellent public service and communication skills, knowledge of children’s and teen literature, experience working with young people, and facility with technology, including PCs, gaming, social networking, and library catalog and database searching.
Bachelors required and MLIS candidate preferred.? Schedule requires regular evening and weekend hours.
Send resume and cover letter by Nov. 15 to:
Emily R. Brown
Youth Services Coordinator
Cranston Public Library
140 Sockanosset Cross Road
Cranston, RI 02920
401-943-9080 ext. 119
[email protected]