Starting Salary:?? $45,238.24 per year – plus comprehensive benefits package
?????????????? Work schedule includes one Saturday in 3-Week Rotation and one evening per week
THE JOB:???????????
Under???? the? direction?? of? the? Circulation??? Manager???? this? position? will? be responsible?? for?? the?? following:?? Supervision?? of?? the?? Library?? Pages;?? Collection Development?? as?? assigned;?? Coverage?? of?? Public?? Service?? Desks.?? These?? duties include??? performing??? all? tasks? associated? with?? working??? at? a? high? volume Circulation desk as well as the determination of patron needs, the provision of guidance and assistance to patrons, reader’s advisory, reference services and related library services when assigned to work at the Information/Technology desk;??? Coordination??? of? the? Library’s? Home????? Services?? Program;??? assist? in? resolution?? of?? Patron?? disputes;?? oversee?? debt?? collect? process?? for?? both?? library buildings;???? Programming;????? Technology/Computer??????? Training;??? Oversee???? the Circulation?? Division?? in?? the?? absence?? of?? the?? Circulation?? Manager?? and?? other related duties as assigned.
Master’s Degree in Library Science from an accredited college or university (ALA???? accredited?? program)??? required;? Circulation?? and? Information??? Services experience in a public library; Supervisory Experience a plus.
NOTE:?????? Offer??? of? hire? conditional?? on?? candidate’s??? ability? to? complete essential job functions, with or without accommodation, as determined by? passing a medical exam, including alcohol and drug tests.
APPLICATION PROCEDURE:??????????????????
?Candidates???? must?? complete?? a? city? of?? Manchester? Employment????? Application available?? at?? City?? of?? Manchester?? website or?? in person?? at?? HR?? Dept.?? City?? Hall?? Annex. Submission?? of?? a?? resume?? is?? optional. Application will not be accepted if received after the closing date.
OPENING DATE:??????????????????? Monday, October 21, 2013
CLOSING DATE:??????????????????? Friday, November 1, 2013
OFFICE HOURS:??????????????????? Office Hours:??? Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM