Archive Intern, Beyond Conflict, Cambridge MA

?Beyond Conflict (formerly the? Project on Justice in Times of Transition)? is looking for?? a?? student?? who?? is?? interested?? in?? gaining?? hands-on? archive? experience?? working? for? an internationally?????? focused???? non-profit????? organization????? in?? the?? conflict??? resolution???? field? by professionally archiving 20 years of historically relevant documents.

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???????? Beyond Conflict is an internationally focused NGO that for over 21 years has brought together???? individuals??? from??? a? broad?? spectrum???? of? countries??? to? share?? experiences???? in? ending conflict,??? establishing??? peace??? and??? building??? civil? society.??? Unlike???? conflict?? resolution??? and reconciliation?? programs?? that?? rely?? on?? policy-makers?? with?? little?? or?? no?? first-hand?? experience, Beyond Conflict? draws on the talents and energies of decision-makers who have worked to steer?? their?? own?? countries?? out?? of?? repression?? or?? conflict?? and?? creates?? for? a?? for?? them?? to?? convey practical knowledge to those who are facing similar challenges.

???????? Beyond Conflict has conducted programs that have helped practitioners and political leaders strategize solutions in a variety of countries and regions, including? Bahrain,? Bosnia, Guatemala, Iran, Kosovo, Northern Ireland, Palestine and Peru. BC initiatives have addressed a broad array of issues related to peace-building and democratization in post-conflict settings, including????? consensus-building?????? in? preparation???? for? negotiations,???? improving???? United??? Nations peace-building?? practices?? in?? the?? rule?? of?? law?? area,?? strengthening?? the?? capacity?? of?? political?? and community? leaders?? to? work??? together?? on?? reconstruction???? issues?? and?? reforming???? intelligence organizations. BC’s most notable accomplishments include: catalyzing the field of transitional justice;?? helping?? introduce?? the?? truth?? commission?? concept?? in?? South?? Africa;?? fostering?? peaceful negotiations and national reconciliation among leaders in Northern Ireland, Central America and the Balkans.

??????? Under????? the?? supervision???? of? Beyond????? Conflict?? staff,?? the?? intern?? will?? be?? tasked???? to
professionally????? archive?? documents????? from??? the? past? twenty??? years?? of? programing.????? Documents
include?? correspondence?? with?? heads?? of?? state,?? key?? policy?? makers?? and?? diplomats? as?? well?? as
programing information. The intern will gain insight through primary documents to the past 20 years of conflict negotiation and reconciliation. The ideal candidate will:

???? have some professional archiving experience
???? have some international experience
???? have strong organizational skills? and excellent research and writing skills

?????? Interested students should contact Ina Breuer at [email protected]
????? More information on Beyond Conflict can be found at