Institution:? Osterville Village Library
Job😕 Library Director
If you’re interested in directing an innovative and active library with services tailored to the needs of the 21st century, we’d like to talk to you.
The Osterville Village Library is a newly constructed state of the art facility in the center of an idyllic village on Cape Cod in Massachusetts.? Our private, independent 501(c)(3) organization is a Library Journal Five Star library serving a year round population of 3,500 which expands to over 10,000 during summer months.? With a circulation of nearly 100,000 and 400+ programs, we are a very active and valued part of a beautiful seaside community.?
Our new Director will manage a staff of 11 FTEs, an operating budget of over $500,000, and our acclaimed 20,000 square foot facility.? An MLS is required as are a proven track record and skills in management, community relations, development, human resources, financial control and library technologies.? The Director reports to the Board of Trustees.?
Salary: DOQ
Closing Date😕 November 30, 2013
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Please send resume, letter of interest and salary requirements in confidence to [email protected]