Technical Services/Metadata Librarian, New England Historic Genealogical Society, Boston MA

Technical Services/Metadata Librarian

The Technical Services/Metadata Librarian will participate in the work of the Technical services department, which carries out the acquisition, cataloging, processing and preservation of library collections, manages the integrated library system and digital library, and makes these resources accessible and discoverable.? This position will be primarily responsible for creating, maintaining and enriching metadata for the NEHGS print and digital collections and web services.

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Participate in original and copy cataloging of library materials in all formats in accordance with national standards
  • Assist in managing the integrated library system (Innovative Interfaces), including the Digital Library and Archive, in coordination with the library staff, IT, and other departments
  • Participate in planning, implementation, maintenance and ongoing improvements to III WebPAC online catalog
  • Help develop strategies for managing digitized and born-digital content
  • Keep current with developments in the fields of technical services, technology and genealogy


  • Master’s degree in library and/or information science from an ALA-accredited institution
  • Demonstrated knowledge of cataloging, metadata, integrated library systems, web page creation and managements, and digital libraries
  • Working knowledge of MARC, AACR2, RDA and FRBR and metadata standards such as Dublin Core, EAD, METS, or MODS
  • Superior problem-solving and organizational skills
  • Professional, dependable, flexible and constructive work ethic
  • Effective oral, written and interpersonal communication skills
  • Interest or experience in the field of genealogy a plus
  • Experience in the design and maintenance of a web site and experience with standard web programming languages such as HTML, XHTML, CSS, and JavaScript

How to Apply:

Email resume and cover letter to: Michelle Major [email protected] Human Resources Coordinator, New England Historic Genealogical Society

Apply by: 8/30/2013