Architecture_media_politics_society, a fully peer-reviewed academic journal in the field of architecture and contemporary culture. Its focus is cross-disciplinary and, in addition to being a platform for publication, it also operates as a resource repository offering up-to-date materials for research. It represents an academic first: the combining of research materials and related academic publications on a single platform.
It is unique in its themes, publication system, hosting of research projects and its conference organisation. It’s run in affiliation with Ravensbourne University, UK and California Institute of the Arts, US.
The internship scheme is offered as:
i) an integrated component for credit programs
ii) a voluntary scheme for students wishing to gain experience independently
Internships are available in various areas:
1. Systems / Technology: Engagement in the migration of the journal, the creation of webpages (HTML, LINUX and CSS) and platforms such as Open Journal Systems (OJS)
2. Research / Reference: Research assistance on the host project investigating Architecture and Politics, as well as conference themes and other overall journal areas
3. Resource Repository: Activities include managing and developing research materials – website index, current listings, research guide
4. Awareness & Access: Developing communication strategies including emails, listservs, social media; indexing; and monitoring online publishing trends
5. Editorial Board: Activities include copy-editing and referencing; managing the discussion forum
In addition, the journal now offers interns the possibility of working with its editors in co-authoring academic papers for publication or presentation at conferences.
This scheme is flexible and can be adapted to the requirements of particular programs and interns. It can be focused on specific tasks or can be offered over extended periods. All interns work remotely. It represents a great opportunity to gain experience in:1) cutting-edge developments in academic publication; 2) the development of an innovative librarian- academic partnership.
To discuss these details contact Rachel Isaac-Menard, [email protected].