Library Internship, Temple Israel, Boston MA



Temple Israel is looking for a library school student, or recent library school graduate who is either interested in the field of Judaic librarianship, and/or would like to gain hands-on experience in a small, special library 7/10 of a mile from Simmons. ?


The intern would have the opportunity to assist the librarian in some, or all of the following areas, depending on interest and time:


1. Shelving

2. Staffing circulation desk

3. Responding to reference inquiries

4. Marketing the library via social networking and other medium

5. Programming assistance in preparation for annual book fair, annual Jewish Book Month Program (both held in November) and monthly book ?group.

6. Creating pathfinders

7. Grant research and other fund-raising tasks/activities.

8. Assisting the librarian in the preparation of a film group about Mel Brooks she’ll be teaching in the fall to adults.

9. Creating promotional materials such as book marks.

11. Setting up displays and exhibits.

12. Other related tasks.?

We ask for a minimum time commitment of three hours per week, with a possible maximum of 10 hours per week. Schedule will be worked out with candidate. Background in Judaica is desirable but not required.

Temple Israel is a Reform synagogue serving a diverse community of 1600 member families from the Greater Boston area, with 20 full-time staff and 40 part-time faculty members.? We are located on the corner of the Riverway and Longwood Avenue, a short walk or drive from Simmons College.


?The Dr. Arnold L. Segel Library may be described as a cross between a small branch public library and a school library in terms of the way that it operates, its patron make-up and “traffic flow.” ?


For more information about Temple Israel and/or our library, please see our website: ?To find the library pages, click on “Study.”


For more information about the Summer Internship, or to apply, please contact Ann Abrams, Librarian,? [email protected] by June 17, and include your resume.


*Since the librarian will be on vacation some of the summer, the internship schedule will be these dates, only, with some flexibility re: hours.


July? 1 -? August 2

Possibly August 12 – 16? with the option to possibly continue in the fall.?