Library Director, Douglas Library of Hebron, Hebron CT

The?Town of Hebron and the Douglas Library of Hebron Board of Trustees are seeking an enthusiastic, energetic, community oriented, and technically proficient Director who will continue to develop the Library’s role as the cornerstone of the community’s intellectual and cultural life, as well as provide strategic direction for the Library’s future.


The Director is responsible for administration of the library operation, including: the hiring and retention of staff; development and maintenance of collections of print and non-print materials and access to online resources; planning for ongoing program development; budgeting and financial management; communication and working relationships with Town government, community organizations and media; cooperative liaison with other libraries and agencies relevant to the delivery of library services.


Qualifications include: Master of Library Science (MLS) or Master of Library and Information Studies (MLIS) from an ALA accredited program; with increasingly advanced public library administrative experience, including management of library support and professional staff; demonstrated experience in providing leadership. Competitive salary and benefits.? Please visit? more details. Candidates should send a cover letter and resume to the Town Manager, Town of Hebron, 15 Gilead Street, Hebron, CT 06248 by June 14, 2013.? EOE.