Digital Preservation Librarian, Dartmouth College Library, Hanover NH

The Dartmouth College Library seeks an innovative, service-focused professional to join a collaborative team in Preservation Services to enhance the Library’s capacity to preserve and provide access to all our commercially acquired and locally produced digital materials.? Working closely with the head of Preservation Services and Library staff involved in the acquisition, creation, description, security, and management of information resources, the Digital Preservation Librarian explores, adapts, implements, and manages emerging digital preservation policies and strategies in support of Library digital collections and publishing initiatives.?


RESPONSIBILITIES: Reporting to the head of Preservation Services, this librarian will create and manage a robust digital preservation program for the Library’s digital collections.? The librarian will collaboratively define requirements and specifications, including file formats and standard preservation metadata, for digital materials the library creates or acquires; establish and maintain policies, workflows, and procedures that support long-term preservation and access to digital materials; and coordinate repository workflows including ingest, archival storage, data management, administration and access.? The librarian will also coordinate workflows with external services that support the digital preservation program, and act as a technical liaison on preservation issues to vendors providing digital preservation services.


QUALIFICATIONS: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited program desired; advanced certificate in preservation, digital resource management or the equivalent in experience preferred. Demonstrated knowledge of current technologies, standards, and practices in preservation of digital collections including PREMIS, OAIS, and TDR.? Knowledge of current research on contingency plans against threats to the digital collections, such as industry changes to file formats, natural disaster, and security breaches.? Working knowledge of intellectual property and licensing issues as related to electronic resources and digital archives.? Excellent interpersonal skills and communication skills, and the ability to work effectively in and to lead teams or small groups.? Experience in the following topics preferred: strong computing background; format validation and conversion methods; data integrity techniques & technologies; long term storage planning; and digital asset management systems.


RANK AND SALARY: The position is part of the Dartmouth College Library Classification System of Professional Ranks. Salary is commensurate with experience and qualifications. Full benefits package including 22 vacation days; comprehensive health care; retirement plans, including TIAA-CREF; and relocation assistance.? ?


GENERAL INFORMATION: Founded in 1769 and located in scenic Hanover, New Hampshire, Dartmouth is a private, four-year, coeducational undergraduate college with graduate schools of business, engineering and medicine and 16 graduate programs in the arts and sciences. Dartmouth’s mission is to educate the most promising students and to prepare them for a lifetime of learning and of responsible leadership, through a faculty dedicated to teaching and the creation of knowledge. At the heart of Dartmouth College is one of the oldest research libraries in the United States. Nine libraries distributed across various academic centers, house the 3 million volume collection and provide access to a rich array of digital resources supported by a technically robust network environment. The Library’s mission is to foster intellectual growth and advance the teaching and research missions of the College by supporting excellence and innovation in education and research, managing and delivering scholarly content, and partnering in the development and dissemination of new scholarship.


APPLICATION: Review of applications will begin as of 16 September 2013 and will continue until the position is filled. For the complete job description and to apply online go to: and refer to position #101195 or go to:
