Athenaeum Director, Westfield Athenaeum, Westfield MA

The Westfield Athenaeum is seeking a proven professional leader to fill the position of Athenaeum Director.? The Board of Directors is looking for an energetic problem solver who can implement an ambitious strategic plan that calls for the revitalization of our facility, collections, historical museum and financial support. This position will be available October 1st.

Westfield is located in the Connecticut River valley of western Massachusetts.? It is predominantly a residential community that is located 10 miles west of Springfield.? The city has a population of 41,000, and is the home of Westfield State University.? The Athenaeum?functions as the City’s public library and as an independent, non-profit organization. Its museum has notable archival materials and museum objects pertaining to the history of Westfield dating back to the 18th and 19th centuries. It has an annual budget of $1.1 million with about 80% of its support coming from the City of Westfield. It also has an active Friends group and a dedicated corps of volunteers. The Athenaeum has an annual circulation of approximately 290,000 items and attracts nearly 200,000 visitors each year. In FY2012, the Athenaeum loaned out 283,640 items and answered 22,721 reference questions.

Reporting to a thirteen-member Board, the Director is responsible for all library operations, including planning, budgeting, public relations, personnel administration and union negotiations. He or she will work closely with a dedicated, well-trained and service-oriented staff, City management, local non-profit leaders, professional organizations, and other library directors in the C/W MARS network, which migrated to Evergreen this past year. The successful candidate will have proven experience as a library administrator, including the ability to articulate a vision for library and museum services and inspire others within the Athenaeum and throughout the greater Westfield community.

Demonstrable leadership and skills in the areas of current and emerging technologies, strategic planning and personnel management are essential.?The successful candidate will be an excellent communicator with strong written and verbal communication skills, as well as integrity, energy, an entrepreneurial spirit and enthusiasm.

Minimum requirements are an MLS, six years supervisory/management experience, including at least three years in public library administration, and experience dealing effectively with labor unions and contract negotiations.? Some experience with facilities renovations is desirable.?

Please submit a cover letter specifying salary requirements and a resume, including the names of three professional references to Executive Assistant Candy Pennington, Westfield Athenaeum, 6 Elm Street, Westfield, MA 01085 or e-mail as a Word or PDF document to [email protected].? Salary is commensurate with experience, and a generous benefit package is included. ?The review of applications will begin July 31, 2013 and the position will be open until filled.? The Westfield Athenaeum is an equal opportunity employer.?