Education/Technology Library Specialist, Middle School, Londonberry NH

Job Description

Create a positive learning environment to facilitate the personal, social and intellectual development of students.

1.Valid certificate as Education Technology Integrator or Library Media Specialist
2.Master’s degree in Educational Technology, Library and Information Science, or equivalent
3.Such alternatives to the above qualifications as the Board may find appropriate.

Essential Functions:
As part of the Library Media Program, this position involves working with teachers and students to use information resources, digital tools and technology to facilitate learning, creativity and innovation with emphasis on literacy and inquiry-based learning. Responsibilities will include evaluation, selection and management of resources, design of learning experiences, instruction in the effective and ethical use of instructional technologies, and collaboration with the middle school learning community to facilitate use of digital resources and technologies.

Roles and Responsibilities:

Facilitator of Student Learning: As an instructional partner, the Education Technology Specialist works with teachers and other educators to make connections between student information needs, curriculum, learning outcomes and information/technology resources.

? Collaborates with teachers in the development of authentic tasks and assessment to ensure integration of information, communication and technology skills.
? Provides instruction to students on digital citizenship, ethical use of information and the use of information and technology resources in an inquiry-based environment.
? Supports the Common Core Standards and building and district wide instructional goals.
Educational Technology Development and Integration: As an information and technology specialist, provides leadership and expertise in the development of emerging and existing technologies.
? Promotes the use of emerging tools and technology, integration of digital tools and technologies to support the curriculum
? Integrates the use of information resources, tools and technologies for effective and creative teaching & learning.
? Supports use of technology and digital tools for learning, emphasizing collaboration and communication of knowledge.
? Supports the development of multiple literacies.
Program Administration: As program administrator, the education technology specialist works collaboratively with members of the learning community to define and implement policies and procedures to support the Library Media Program and guide all activities related to it.
? Works with library media specialists, teaching staff and administrators to develop library policy & practices that support student learning.
? Prepares and administers budget according to program goals and establishes procedures for selection, purchasing and maintenance of resources.
? Ensures equitable access to resources, digital tools, and technology for learning at point of need.
? Includes supervision of personnel, facilities and resources.

Professional Member of the Learning Community
As a professional member of the learning community, the education technology specialist demonstrates a commitment to personal professional growth and professional growth of others.

? Maintains active membership in professional organizations.
? Remains current in professional practices applicable to information technologies and educational research applicable to library media programs.
? Provides and plans for professional development opportunities for building staff.

Terms of Employment:
187 days per year. Refer to the contract between the Londonderry School Board and the LEA for additional information.

If you would like to apply to be a member of our outstanding team

please go to to apply online.

Questions?? ?Email: [email protected]