Our Marathon: The Boston Bombing Digital Archive is a digital archive–developed by the NULab for Texts, Maps, and Networks at Northeastern University–about the Boston Marathon bombings, lockdown, and beyond. Following the model of the September 11 Digital Archive or the Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, we hope to gather stories, images, videos, and other media related to the recent bombing, its aftermath, and the city’s healing process. You can see our working website, still under heavy development and design work, at http://marathon.neu.edu/.
We’re looking for volunteers over the summer to help plan our collection strategies; collect contributions; reach out to local organizations, communities, and businesses; design the Omeka site; and build out the technical infrastructure. If you would like to participate in any of these capacities (or in one not mentioned here that you think would be useful), please contact Alicia Peaker at [email protected]. ? ? ? ??